In 2018, 1.1 billion passengers traveled by air in the European Union (EU), up by 6% compared with 2017 and by 43% compared with 2010. Over this period, air passenger transport has steadily risen in the EU. In 2018, intra-EU transport represented almost half (46%) of total air passenger transport in the EU and extra-EU transport over a third (37%), while national transport accounted for fewer than 1 in every 5 passengers (16%). These figures are issued by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
The largest increase in air passenger transport in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia In 2018, the largest number of air passengers was recorded in the United Kingdom (272 million passengers), followed by Germany (222 million), Spain (221 million), France (162 million) and Italy (153 million). The number of air passengers carried in 2018 rose in all EU Member States compared with 2017. The highest increases were registered in Lithuania (+19%), Latvia, Poland, and Slovakia (all +16%), ahead of Estonia and Hungary (both +14%), Malta (+13%), Luxembourg (+12%) and Finland (+11%), whilst the lowest increase was registered in Sweden (+1%), followed by the United Kingdom (+3%), Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands (all +4%). Among the top 5 Member States in terms of air passengers transported in 2018, the highest increase was registered in Italy (+6%).
Overall in the EU, the number of air passengers rose by 62.8 million (+6%) between 2017 and 2018, driven by the rise in extra-EU (+9%) and intra-EU transport (+5%).