The construction of the 7th unit at the Kozloduy NPP is starting soon, announced Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov. The plans are for the new capacity to be ready by 2033.

Today, the government will take the decision to start the construction of the 8th nuclear unit in Bulgaria’s only nuclear power plant.

The company that will be responsible for this realization will be capitalized with an additional 500 million leva, and it will start negotiations with the companies that have to build the 7th unit. The expected deadline is 2033. With the same decision, the preparations will begin and for the 8th unit of the Kozloduy NPP. Since the plan is for the two to go parallel as construction and within two to three years both units, which are needed for the energy system, will be ready. Their total capacity is 2300 megawatts, with which they significantly exceed the power of 1760 megawatts of the closed first to fourth units of the Kozloduy NPP. In addition, the technology chosen for these reactors is unique in the world. It allows to change the power twice in a very short time of the reactors, which is critical to the sound management of the energy system when they come online. So we wish the energy minister and his team well. This is one of the most important decisions we will make during our term, the Prime Minister pointed out.