The Bulgarian is the best customer on his native Black Sea coast, say sellers from Primorsko. In the last week, the seaside town has already started to fill up with tourists, mainly Bulgarians, Czechs and Poles. Compared to last year, however, people spent much less, the sellers said. For now, some are happy with the turnover, while others report a drop of 40 to 60% compared to last year.
“We are still waiting, in principle, it is normal. With us, the season starts a little later every year, but we will have tourists”.
“Like every summer, the beginning is weaker, there is an increase in recent days, Poles, Czechs, people who come every season. But the most important are the Bulgarians, they are our most serious contingent, the best, as buyers”.
“It’s very difficult this year, people part with their money so painfully, they don’t spend money on almost anything. Most of them have bracelets and are obviously on all-inclusive packages, they don’t spend money for anything else,” said the sellers.
The sellers made the biggest turnovers during the pandemic when the Bulgarians were vacationing in our country, as the borders were closed. According to them, these tourists are now gone because they preferred Greece or Turkey.