In the capital, Sofia, the working hours of restaurants and drinking establishments are limited to 23:30 until November 12. The ban on working hours will take effect on November 1. This was discussed and decided today by the Sofia Operational Headquarters for combating the spread of COVID-19. The proposal to limit the working hours of establishments comes from the branch organizations.
The meeting of the Headquarters was chaired by the Mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova and was attended by Dr. Maeva, Acting Director of the Sofia RHI, and Commissioner Hadjiev – Director of SDVR. Representatives of the branch organizations also took part in the meeting.
Mayor Fandakova pointed out that the situation in Sofia has remained alarmingly high in recent days. She announced that today the newly registered patients are 1048. The number of hospitalized continues to grow, which on October 28 was 449, on the 29th – 517, and today are 532. The number of those admitted for intensive care is also increasing – today they are 75.