In its decision № CC-19 dated July 1, 2019, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (KEVR) approved new electricity prices for household and non-residential customers connected to a low-voltage grid in Southeastern Bulgaria in force since 01.07.2019.
According to the KEVR’s Decision, the final VAT rates for household customers in Southeast Bulgaria are as follows:
Daily rate: 0,22238 BGN (VAT included) / kWh. This is an increase of 2.97% compared to the current price of 0.21596 BGN (VAT included) / kWh.
Night rate: 0,12636 BGN (VAT included) / kWh. This is an increase of 2.97% compared to the current price of BGN 0.12271 (VAT included) / kWh.
As with any price change, consumption information in the following invoices will be divided into two distinct periods – consumption at old prices until 30 June 2019 inclusive and consumption at new prices from 1 July 2019. The total number of days in the reporting period corresponds to the normal monthly reporting period for each customer, keeping the regular reporting deadlines.