According to the preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute (NSI), at the end of September 2019 the number of employees under labour contract decreased by 39.1thousand, or 1.7%, compared to the end of June 2019, reaching 2.31million, the NSI said in a press release. The highest drop was observed in the economic activities: ‘Accommodation and food service – 15.7%,‘ Real estate – 4.1% and in ‘Administrative and support service’ – by 2.2%.
The highest increase in the number of employees was recorded in ‘Education’ – by 1.3%.

In the structure of employees by economic activities the biggest relative share of employees was in ‘Manufacturing’ – 21.4% and ‘Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles’ – 17.1%.

At the end of September 2019 compared to September2018, the number of employees under labour contract decreased by 5.2 thousand, or 0.2%. The biggest drop in absolute figures was observed in economic activities ‘Manufacturing’ – 12.9thousand, ‘Agriculture, forestry and fishing’ – 2.4 thousand, and ‘Other service activities’ – 1.9thousand and the highest increase – in ‘Information and communication’ – 6.6thousand.
In percentages the highest decrease at the end of September2019 year-over-year was in ‘Other services’ – by 5.1% and ‘Agriculture, forestry and fishing’ – by 3.2%, and the highest increase was reported in ‘Information and communication’ – by 7.5%.

The average monthly wages and salaries of the employees under labour contract in July was BGN 1,257, in August – BGN 1,224 and in September 2019 – BGN 1,266. In the third quarter of 2019 in comparison with the second quarter of 2019, the average monthly wages and salaries decreased by 0.9%, BGN reaching 1,249. The highest decrease i was reported in ‘Financial and insurance activities’ – by 9.2%, and in ‘Mining and quarrying’– by5.6% and ‘Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply’ – by 3.3%.

Compared to the third quarter of 2018, the average monthly wages and salaries in the third quarter of 2019 rose by 11.8%. The highest growth rates were recorded in: ‘Real estate’ – 17.8%, ‘Education’ – 15.8% and ‘Other services – 15.7%.

The economic activities with the highest wages and salaries in the third quarter of 2019 were: ‘Information and communication’ – BGN 2, 988
‘Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply’ – BGN 1,980
‘Finance and insurance’ – BGN 1, 973.
The lowest wages and salaries were recorded in:
‘Accommodation and food service’ – BGN 782
‘Other services – BGN 912
‘Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities’ – BGN 991
In comparison with a year earlier the average monthly wages and salaries in public sector grew by 10.5%, while in private sector – by 12.