The Executive Director of BSMEPA Boyko Takov became Board Member of the International Network of Small and Medium Enterprises (INSME). This was announced during the 17th annual meeting of the organization, which took place between 9 and 10 December in Sofia.
The event is hosted by BSMEPA and the Bulgarian Development Bank and during the two days, Sofia was the center of a series of sessions dedicated to the future of the global SME sector as an engine for sustainable recovery from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The entry of a representative from BSMEPA as a Board Member of the International Network of SMEs is a big responsibility, as the organization through public-private partnerships, training and exchange of experience and knowledge sets the tone of many strategic and operational guidelines for promoting SMEs and entrepreneurship worldwide. In 2020, when BSMEPA became a full member of the Network, Bulgaria for the first time was given the opportunity to share its experience in promoting business to the largest organization, and my inclusion as a Board Member is a natural continuation of our partnership with the Network and a great opportunity for Bulgarian companies”, commented Boyko Takov.
The Executive Director of BSMEPA joins the management after a vote of the members of the International Network within the General Assembly, held within the 17th annual meeting. Among those on the Board are Jay Mitra, a professor at the University of Essex, Nava Swersky Sofer, president of the Canadian-based International Trade Alliance, Dr. Hamsa Thota, founder and president of the US-based Innovation Business Development (IBD) – a company specializing in improving productivity in product innovation, and others.
The 17th Annual SME Meeting brought together hundreds of speakers, companies, representatives of public and private organizations from around the world, including Yves Leterme, former Prime Minister of Belgium and Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, at the Grand Hotel Millennium Sofia. OECD Secretary-General Sergio Arzeni, President of the Network, Jay Mitra, Professor at the University of Essex, Lamia Kamal-Chawi, Director of the OECD Center for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions, and Cities at the OECD, and many others who discussed economic issues recovery in the post-pandemic years, the role of development banks in supporting small and medium-sized businesses, SMEs and entrepreneurship in South-East Europe and many more.
The International SME Network was set up in 2000 as an initiative to support SMEs during a conference of members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on SMEs and Globalization in Bologna, Italy. The role of INSME is to liaise between organizations that support SMEs as well as those that develop SME financing policies. It currently has 65 member organizations from 34 countries working in the field of internationalization, innovation, and technology transfer of SMEs.
The network involves governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as financial institutions, and INSME’s main mission is to promote international cooperation and public-private partnerships in the field of innovation and technology transfer.