In 2020, 209 newspapers with an annual circulation of 123,287 thousand were published, as compared to the previous year the titles decreased by 14 (6.3%) and the circulation – by 45,975 thousand (27.2%). This was reported by the NSI.
In 2020, the largest number of newspapers were published in Sofia district (capital) – 99 titles, or 47.3% of all published in the country.
Of all newspapers published in 2020, 98.5% (206 titles) are in Bulgarian, and there are three foreign languages - one each in Turkish, English and German.
In 2020, 444 magazines and 75 bulletins were issued, and compared to 2019, the magazines decreased by 12.1% and the ballots – by 16.7%.
In 2020, 65 magazines and bulletins with an annual circulation of 179 thousand were published in foreign languages, the most numerous being in English – 59 titles with a circulation of 138 thousand, followed by publications in Russian – two titles with a circulation of 0.6 thousand. ., one title each in French, Turkish, German and one in two or more languages.
In 2020, 101 periodicals were published with a circulation of 17,000, and compared to the previous year their number decreased by 39 titles and the circulation by 24.3%.
In 2020, 9,285 books with a circulation of 4,568,407 and 1,484 brochures with a circulation of 1,171,740 were published.
With the unique identification code ISBN (International Standard Book Number) in 2020, 8,173 books and 1,374 brochures were registered, or 88.7% of all editions, which provides an opportunity for commercial use in the country and abroad.
Compared to the previous year in 2020 the number of published books and brochures increased by 1 253 (13.2%), and the average circulation decreased from 802 to 533, or by 33.5%.
By thematic areas according to the attribute “purpose of literature” 1 the distribution of publications by sections in 2020 is as follows:
scientific literature – 3 342 titles with a circulation of 503 thousand;
fiction for adults – 3 099 titles with a circulation of 1 103 thousand;
popular literature – 1,639 titles with a circulation of 788 thousand;
educational literature – 1,259 titles with a circulation of 2,168 thousand;
literature for children and adolescents – 1,075 titles with a circulation of 1,064 thousand, of which 683 titles of children’s fiction with a circulation of 565 thousand;
others – 355 titles with a circulation of 115 thousand.
In 2020, the titles published in the original language of writing (including in Bulgarian) were 8,423, or 78.2% of the total number of published books and brochures. The translated titles are 2,346 with a circulation of 1,548 thousand, of which almost half are translated from English (48.2%), followed by those translated from Russian – 10.4%, French – 8.7%, and German – 6.6%