For support in the development of robotics and automation in Bulgaria, representatives of Bulgarian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Promotion Agency and Professional Association of Robotics and Automation were represented. The meeting held today (18.07.2019, Thursday) was attended by Dr. Boyko Takov, Executive Director of BSMEPA and part of the co-founders of PARA Mr. Dimitar Parov and Mr. Christian Mihailov.
The close cooperation between the two organizations aims to help turn Bulgaria into a hot spot for automation and robotics in the next 5 to 10 years. „We have the ambition for Bulgaria to be clearly distinguished in this area because the ecosystem here, the growing symbiosis between business and science, are starting to create favorable conditions. This chance should not be missed, „Dr. Takov said after the meeting.
The Professional Association of Robotics and Automation has the task of linking companies from the sector, non-governmental organizations, research institutions and industrial zones. By promoting best practices, business models and marketing solutions, PARA strives to help its members expand their business.
Details of the joint initiatives between BSMEPA and PARA will be announced as soon as possible.