As of 10:00 a.m. on 31 December, the National Revenue Agency temporarily suspended payments via virtual POS terminal, the agency reminds. Two hours later, it will also be impossible to pay via POS at the office of the revenue agency, and the reason is the change in the operation of the information systems. The inconvenience for citizens will be until January 10.
Due to the updates in the information systems of the Revenue Agency, payments may be made through commercial banks until 10 January.
If a restoration of health status is required precisely during this period, the arrears may be paid through a commercial bank, and the necessary certificate to be obtained on paper at the office of the Revenue Agency at permanent address.
The same applies to a certificate of health insurance status and rights.
The health insurance status information, which can be verified online, will be valid till the end of December and completely updated – on January 11. This is the day when the new systems have to start working at full capacity and the tax collection campaign begins.