The National Council for Tripartite Cooperation (NCTC) held an extraordinary online meeting convened by Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy and Minister of Tourism Mariana Nikolova.
It is envisaged that in case of non-utilization of the budget funds for 2020, the same will be used for payments to providers of hospital care for the past period.
It is proposed to increase the minimum daily unemployment benefit from BGN 9 to BGN 12 from October 1, 2020. This increase will affect about 30,000 people on average per month, and the additional resource will be nearly BGN 90 million. by the end of 2020
The term for receiving cash unemployment benefits to be increased from 4 to 7 months. This change will affect between 13,000 and 15,000 people on average per month for the period from October 1 to December 31, 2020. The required cost for the quarterly period is estimated at about BGN 2 million.
The total additional expenditure for the two measures amounts to BGN 14 million for 2020. With the amendment of the State Social Insurance Budget Act, the total expenditures of the Unemployment Fund were increased by BGN 1 billion.