The trips of the Bulgarians doubled in the period April – June, according to the data of the National Statistical Institute. Over the three months, 1.219 million Bulgarians traveled, as expected, most of them traveled in the country – 75.7%, 19.1% traveled abroad, and 5.2% – both in the country and abroad. Compared to the same quarter of 2018, the total number of passengers increased by 12.4%, data show.
As expected, Bulgarians aged 25 – 44 traveled the most – 548 thousand, or 44.9%. The relative share of trips in the country is prevailing in all age groups, with the highest among people aged 65 and over – 78%.
For trips abroad, the share of travelers aged 25-44 is the highest – 19.9% of the travelers in the respective age group.
The majority of tourist trips both in the country (46.2%) and abroad (78.4%) were for the purpose of “rest and vacation”.
The expenditures by species with the largest relative share in the country are those for food – 37.8%, while abroad the main expenses go for transport – 29%.
The average cost of traveling for one person’s own purpose is BGN 198.34 in the country and BGN 658.74 abroad. In the case of work trips, the average cost per person is BGN 168.82 in the country and BGN 1198.35 abroad.